Hypermethylation of 5Ј-cytosine-guanosine islands of tumor suppressor genes resulting in their silencing has been proposed to be a hallmark of various tumors. Modulation of DNA methylation with DNA methylation inhibitors has been shown to result in cancer cell differentiation or apoptosis and represents a novel strategy for chemotherapy. Currently, effective DNA methylation inhibitors are mainly limited to decitabine and 5-azacytidine, which still show unfavorable toxicity profiles in the clinical setting. Thus, discovery and development of novel hypomethylating agents, with a more favorable toxicity profile, is essential to broaden the spectrum of epigenetic therapy. Parthenolide, the principal bioactive sesquiterpene lactone of feverfew, has been shown to alkylate Cys 38 of p65 to inhibit nuclear factor-B activation and exhibit anti-tumor activity in human malignancies. In this article, we report that parthenolide 1) inhibits DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) with an IC 50 of 3.5 M, possibly through alkylation of the proximal thiolate of Cys 1226 of the catalytic domain by its ␥-methylene lactone, and 2) down-regulates DNMT1 expression possibly associated with its SubG 1 cell-cycle arrest or the interruption of transcriptional factor Sp1 binding to the promoter of DNMT1. These dual functions of parthenolide result in the observed in vitro and in vivo global DNA hypomethylation. Furthermore, parthenolide has been shown to reactivate tumor suppressor HIN-1 gene in vitro possibly associated with its promoter hypomethylation. Hence, our study established parthenolide as an effective DNA methylation inhibitor, representing a novel prototype for DNMT1 inhibitor discovery and development from natural structural-diversified sesquiterpene lactones.DNA methylation of cytosine residues in the context of the sequence 5Ј-cytosine-guanosine (CpG) in gene promoter regions is an epigenetic mechanism that controls gene transcription, genome stability, and genetic imprinting (Robertson, 2005). This process is regulated by DNA methyltransferases (DNMT1, DNMT3a, and DNMT3b) in the presence of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) that serves as a methyl donor for methylation of cytosine residues at the C-5 position to yield 5-methylcytosine (Robertson, 2005). Aberrant hypermethylation of promoter CpG-rich regions (Ͼ55% CG content, the so-called CpG islands) of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) results in transcriptional silencing in a variety of solid tumors and blood cancers (Yoo and Jones, 2006). In vitro and in vivo treatment with DNA methyl-