proliferation, 1000 cells were counted at ¥ 400 magnification by two observers and the percentage of tumour cells positively stained with Ki-67 and PCNA defined as the Ki-67 and PCNA labelling index (LI), respectively. The two LI were compared in the NM and M groups, and the correlation of the LIs with pathological stage, progression and prostatespecific antigen (PSA)-free survival evaluated. Prognostic values of the LI were analysed using multivariate analysis.
RESULTSThe mean (range) follow-up was 33 (4-78) months. The mean LIs were higher in the M than the NM group for both PCNA and Ki-67 ( P = 0.02 and 0.019, respectively). Both LIs were markedly different between the groups when stratified by progression, with both significantly higher in men with progression in the NM group. Both LIs had a significant association with Gleason score, pathological stage, progression and PSA-free survival. In multivariate analysis the PCNA LI, surgical margin status and pathological stage were independent factors for progression.