The present study was conducted to find out the relative abundance of ABO blood groups and Rh factor in male population in three tehsil of district Karak namely Tehsil Karak, Tehsil Takht E Nasrati and Tehsil Banda Daud Shah. The blood groups and Rh factor ascertainment was find out through antigen-antibody clotting test. Total of 645 blood groups were checked of unknown people in a blood checking camp. The blood group B + was found to be most abundant in the whole district with relative abundance of 207 donors and percentage of 32.09% followed by O + (159, 24.65%), A + (141, 21.86%) and AB + (63, 9.76%). The Rh + was more abundant with 570 donors and percentage of 88.37% and Rhhas 75 donors and percentage of 11.62%. The blood groups with Rhare A -(26, 4.03%), B -(25, 3.87%), AB -(12, 1.86%) and O -(12, 1.86%).