IntroductionDendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in initiating and regulating immune responses to foreign and self-antigens. 1 Under steady-state conditions, lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues contain stable numbers of DCs, which is achieved through a dynamic interplay between the influx of new precursors, DC emigration, and death. Bone marrow (BM)-derived pre-cDCs, the immediate precursor of conventional DCs (cDCs), migrate via blood and enter peripheral lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues, where they differentiate into cDCs that proliferate for several generations. [2][3][4] Monocytes also participate in the generation of cDCs in some tissues. [5][6][7] Nonlymphoid tissue cDCs emigrate continuously via lymphatics into draining lymph nodes 8 ; similar to the resident populations of lymphoid tissue DCs, most migrant cDCs die in lymphoid tissue and do not reenter the blood circulation. 1 Whether all peripheral tissue cDCs home to lymph nodes or some are destined to die in their local milieu is unclear. Dysregulation or loss-of-function of various cell types and molecules can alter DC homeostasis. 9,10 Chief among them is the cytokine Flt3 ligand, which regulates the number of early progenitors in BM and the rate of DC proliferation in peripheral tissues. 11,12 During acute inflammatory processes, DC numbers fluctuate markedly. Strong inflammatory stimuli can cause an abrupt decrease in the number of lymphoid cDCs, a consequence of maturation-induced apoptosis and migration. 13,14 DC numbers usually rebound within 2 to 3 days, then expand through recruitment of new precursors, augmentation of cDCs proliferation in situ, and differentiation of monocytes into "inflammatory" DCs. 3,[15][16][17][18] Increased expression of granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is considered key to this response. 19 Inflammation also causes egress of tissue DCs into lymph nodes by modulating chemokine receptor expression and altering the structure of regional lymphatics and lymph nodes. [20][21][22] With resolution of inflammation, DC numbers normalize through apoptosis and cytotoxic T-cell mediated killing. 23,24 In chronic inflammatory processes, such as in cancer, DC fate remains poorly understood.The current model of DC ontogeny indicates that the monocyte/ macrophage and DC lineages diverge from a common monocyte-DC progenitor (MDP) in BM. 25 The subsequent defined progenitors in the DC lineage, common DC precursors (CDP or pro-DC) followed by pre-cDCs, are considered irreversibly committed to become terminal DCs. The general assumption of this model is that death completes the life cycle of all DCs. In this study, we report a new termination pathway for cDCs. We found that immunostimulatory CD11c ϩ MHC class II ϩ cDCs retain the capacity to evolve into CD11c Ϫ MHC class II Ϫ macrophage-like cells with potent immunosuppressive activity. We show the critical importance of GM-CSF in maintaining DC identity. By tracking genetically tagged CD11c ϩ cells in vivo, we found that tumors induce a high proportion of cDCs...