-We present a case of trigeminal neuralgia with cranial normal magnetic resonance image (MRI) and computed tomography.The pain was not relieved by carbamazepine and microvascular decompression surgery was done.After two months the pain was similar to the condition before surgery. At this time, MRI showed an expansive lesion in Meckel's cave that was treated with radical resection by extra-dural approach. The pathologic examination revealed a primary melanoma. The follow-up after six months did not show abnormalities.KEY WORDS: primary melanoma, central nervous system, Meckel's cave, carbamazepine.Melanoma primário do cavo de Meckel: relato de caso RESUMO -Apresentamos um caso de neuralgia do trigêmeo com investigação radiológica de ressonância magnética (RM) e tomografia computadorizada apresentando resultado normal.A dor não apresentou alívio com carbamazepina, sendo indicado descompressão microvascular do trigêmio. Passados dois meses, o paciente queixava-se de dor com intensidade similar à do pré-operatório. Nova RM mostrou lesão expansiva no cavo de Meckel, a qual foi tratada cirurgicamente por abordagem extra-dural. O exame anatomopatológico foi compatível com melanoma primário. O seguimento radiológico, após seis meses da cirurgia, não apresentou anormalidades.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: melanoma primário, sistema nervoso central, cavo de Meckel, carbamazepina.The central nervous system (CNS) is host to a wide variety of melanocytic neoplasms including the common metastatic malignant melanoma and the relatively benign, as well as overtly malignant, primary neoplasms of leptomeningeal melanocyte 1 . Metastases of malignant melanomas in the CNS are fairly common; their incidence is approximately 5-10% of all tumors metastatizing to the CNS. In contrast, primary melanomas of the CNS are a rare occurrence 2,3 .Trigeminal neuralgia is often the first complaint for a tumor of the Gasserian ganglion. Tumors of the fifth nerve in general are extremely rare and comprise 0.2 % of all primary and secondary intracranial neoplasms 4 . Melanomas of the fifth nerve are even rarer 5,6 . We report a case of trigeminal neuralgia that was not relieved by carbamazepine and microvascular decompression. The expansive lesion was detected in Meckel´s cave only after a second magnetic resonance image (MRI) and the histopathological examination showed a primary melanoma.
CASEA 55-year old man, smoker, complains of right trigeminal neuralgia that began 4 months ago. The neurological examination was normal and treatment was instituted with carbamazepine 600mg a day.The neurological investigation was performed by cranial MRI and computed tomography (CT).After 30 days the patient returned without relief of the facial pain and with a normal neuroradiological examination (Fig. 1A). Microvascular decompression was indicated with displacement of the vessel impinging on nerve. The pain relief was temporary. After 60 days the pain was similar to the conditions before surgery and carbamazepine dose was increased to 1000 mg a day CT showed only t...