The density of states (DOS) of graphene underneath a metal is estimated through a quantum capacitance measurement of the metal/graphene/SiO 2 /n + -Si contact structure fabricated by a resist-free metal deposition process. Graphene underneath Au maintains a linear DOS -energy relationship except near the Dirac point, whereas the DOS of graphene underneath Ni is broken and largely enhanced around the Dirac point, resulting in only a slight modulation of the Fermi energy. Moreover, the DOS of graphene in the contact structure is correlated with the contact resistivity measured using devices fabricated by the resist-free process.To make the best use of the extremely high carrier mobility of graphene in electric devices, contact resistivity ( c ) should be seriously addressed 1,2 because it is necessary to be lowered by several orders of magnitude from the present status.1 Generally, the current injection from metal to graphene is proportional to the transmission probability and the density of states (DOS) in the metal and graphene. 3,4 In terms of the transmission probability, an intrinsic problem exists for momentum matching because the Dirac cone at the K point of the Brillouin zone boundary is generally lager than the Fermi wavenumber for typical metals. 5 The number of empty states in graphene as the final state is much smaller than the number of occupied states in the metal. This DOS bottleneck is considered to be the limiting factor in the total performance of graphene devices. 6,7 This limitation results from the inapplicability of conventional doping techniques such as ion implantation 8 because the thermodynamically stable C-C bonding prevents the substitutional doping of B or N for C. 9 The DOS of graphene in the contact structure, i.e., the metal/graphene/SiO 2 structure, could be different from the ideal linear relation because the electrical properties of graphene with monoatomic thickness are easily modulated by the environment. Therefore, determining the DOS of graphene in the contact structure provides information on the strength of the metal/graphene/SiO 2 interaction, which is key to setting guidelines to further reduce c .Here, in the case of graphene grown on metals, the modulation of the linear dispersion is reported to depend strongly on the metal element used, according to both theoretical calculations 10,11 and experimental results. 12,13 The modulation in the electron dispersion relation occurs on a chemisorption group (e.g., Ni, Co, and Pd) and not on an adsorption group (e.g., Au, Ag, and Pt).10 Based on these reports, we selected Ni as a contact electrode to measure c 1 because the DOS of graphene in the contact structure is expected to increase due to the strong -d coupling.14 However, in the graphene field effect transistors (FETs) fabricated using the conventional resist process, it has been shown that graphene underneath the Ni electrodes roughly maintains linear dispersion based on the transport measurements.
15This discrepancy could be caused by the resist residue in the devi...