The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as
Cl.necessarily representing the official policies either express or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or the United States Government. MDA-903-82-C-0376The vi-~ws and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies either express or implied, of the Defense Advanced Research Project-,, Agency or the United States Government.
INTRODUCTIONIn his statement to the 97th Congress the Director of DARPA gave this motivation for technology search activities as part of the technology base (6.1/6.2) programs:"With the current emphasis on achieving technological superiority to offset Warsaw Pact weapons and manpower, it is imperative that DOD be cognizant of the military-oriented research and 4development work that is being conducted by industry and universities that are beyond the purview of DOD. DARPA has, therefore, established a program to aggressively search for and exploit evolving commercial and university research that has military applications. This program, in effect, increases the level of military R&D funding or extends the effect of existing research resources by introducing new and creative ideas into the DOD mainstream--ideas that might have never surfaced without extensive duplicative DOD efforts."The La Jolla Institute has assisted DARPA in the attainment of the above goal by identifying new scientific and technology areas being pursued at universities that have a potential for DOD applications, and in particular, those that might impact on existing programs or serve as the basis of future programs. This information, prepared by La Jolla Institute staff, Associates, and contacts in universities, is submitted in the form of reviews ("white papers") and presentations. Occasionally such anticipate needs. The latter has.been illustrated this year in several respects as outlined below.One of these, drawing on in-house expertise, discussed matters relevant both to laser propagation in the atmosphere as well as to laser beam clean-up in Raman amplifiers. Another report, for high-power lasers, quite a few of which were first described by Soviet workers. It is possible that a new program will develop in this area as a result of this briefing.The above touches only on the highlights of this year's program, which is summarized below. Also included are copies of the reports generated.o,.ACTIVITY SUMMARY 2) An ET deployed at 500 km will orient itself long-end
1.perpendicular to its trajectory, hence experience drag and decay within a few years. To stabilize it so that it is in a minimum drag configuration the tether concept-has been suggested by Columbo. 4 Further study of the Columbo group's work is required, Draper Labs being an obvious choice. First for the trade-off between deploying at -500 kilometers with a tether and putting it at -600 kilometers with no tether, secondly, if ...