A planar dual-band antenna array for point-to-point communication is presented. The proposed compact antenna array operates at 2.4-2.5 GHz (4%) and 5.1-5.5 GHz (7.5%) with 11 10 dB, and corresponding gains of 11-13.3 dBi and 10.6-14.5 dBi respectively. It consists of four branches suspended at a height of 5 mm above a 250 250 mm ground plane. Each quarter consists of a series-fed meandered step-impedance filter connected to a L-shaped radiator, and they transverse horizontally away from the epicenter. The insertion loss method with non-redundant synthesis for filter design is applied to control the radiation aperture of the antenna array, allowing both the 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz radiators to co-exist and operate independently. A stable broadside radiation pattern and gain are achieved.Index Terms-Antenna array, dual-band antenna array, filter, microstrip antennas, multifunction aperture, patch antennas, WLAN.