Aqueous solution deposition has emerged
as a potentially scalable,
high-throughput route to functional metal oxide thin films. Aqueous
routes, however, generally require elevated processing temperatures
to produce fully condensed films that are resistant to water absorption.
Herein, we report a low-processing-temperature method for preparing
more fully condensed, stable metal oxide films from aqueous precursors.
We show that a steam anneal at ≤200 °C reduces residual
nitrates in zinc oxide, yttrium aluminum oxide, and lanthanum zirconium
oxide (LZO) films. An in-depth study on LZO dielectric films reveals
steam annealing also reduces residual chloride content, increases
resistance to post-anneal water absorption, eliminates void formation,
and enhances the dielectric constant. This investigation demonstrates
that steam annealing directly affects the decomposition temperatures
and chemical evolution of aqueous precursors, suggesting a general
means for producing high-quality films at low processing temperatures.