a Sustainable hydrophobic eutectic solvents, composed of low-priced and biodegradable terpenes and fatty acids, were used for the extraction and separation of Cu(II) from other transition metals in mildly acidic solutions. Multiple parameters were evaluated for metal extraction and the hydrophobic eutectic solvent was successfully recovered and reused.Metals represent an inherent source of both economic value and toxicity, with their consumption projected to increase in line with global economic standards. Furthermore, the starting compounds are biodegradable and approved for human consumption by various food and drug agencies, turning the resulting HES of interest for a wide range of industries. In this work, sustainable HES based on menthol or its aromatic counterpart thymol combined with long chain carboxylic acids (C n H (2n+1) OOH; n = 8, 10,12,14, 16, 18) (Fig. S1 in the ESI †), are evaluated for the extraction of Cu(II) and its separation from other transition metals, namely Co(II) and Ni(II). The solid-liquid phase diagrams of these HES were previously reported by us along with their physico-chemical properties at compositions close to the eutectic.10 These are summarised in