Abstract. This study deals with the development of a large woven metamaterial surface for applications in the submillimeter frequency band. Before weaving, design of the metamaterial textile is investigated to obtain a phase-advance near 500 GHz. Then, a large sample is produced by semi-industrial machine and characterized in terms of dimensional homogeneity and electromagnetic behaviours in the frequency band . Dimensional heterogeneity is measured to be less than 2% and shows that weaving process is well controlled. A phase-advance and high-pass filter behaviors are experimentally evidenced by electromagnetic characterizations with potential applications for selective shielding and phase manipulation of the wave.
IntroductionIn the middle of the 1990s, the scientific field of metamaterials has appeared with the emergence of technologies permitting to produce new materials with electromagnetic or optical properties which can not be found in nature [1]. Metamaterials are produced by arranging metallic and/or dielectric structures with a specific organisation (slotted rings, metal cylinders, fishnets, arrays of planar or dielectric resonators…)[2]- [6]. While natural materials have only values of the electromagnetic parameters (permittivity and permeability ) greater than one, such a metamaterial can act as an equivalent material with effective electromagnetic parameters which can have any positive or negative values. Then new applications have been considered as perfect lens previously theoretically proposed by Veselago [7], perfect electromagnetic absorbers [2], or the invisibility cloak to hide objects surrounded by a metamaterial [8]. A lab scale textile inspired technology has been proposed [9], and negative refractive index appearing as a phase-advance of the electromagnetic wave transmitted through a textile metamaterial have been measured [10].