One-dimensional spinor gases with strong δ interaction fermionize and form a spin chain. The spatial degrees of freedom of this atom chain can be described by a mapping to spinless noninteracting fermions and the spin degrees of freedom are described by a spin-chain model with nearest-neighbor interactions. Here, we compute momentum and occupation-number distributions of up to 16 strongly interacting spinor fermions and bosons as a function of their spin imbalance, the strength of an externally applied magnetic field gradient, the length of their spin, and for different excited states of the multiplet. We show that the ground-state momentum distributions resemble those of the corresponding noninteracting systems, apart from flat background distributions, which extend to high momenta. Moreover, we show that the spin order of the spin chain-in particular antiferromagnetic spin order-may be deduced from the momentum and occupation-number distributions of the system. Finally, we present efficient numerical methods for the calculation of the single-particle densities and one-body density matrix elements and of the local exchange coefficients of the spin chain for large systems containing more than 20 strongly interacting particles in arbitrary confining potentials.