The results of investigations of the phase compositions and formation of the microstructure of ceramic sintered samples based on the composition kaolin-fireclay-KTMO for the purpose of obtaining ceramic materials with elevated physical chemical properties are presented.Depending on the properties of the clay component solid by-products and wastes from production can perform the following basic functions when introduced into ceramic mixes:-improve the drying and shrinkage properties; -intensify sintering processes and the heat resistance of material, and so on [1 -2].In the present work, we studied the sintering and formation of the microstructure of ceramic mixes for facing tiles manufactured on the basis of the composition kaolin-fireclay-Kaitash flotation wastes of tungsten-molybdenum ores (KTMO). The chemical properties of the initial materials are presented in Table 1. Table 2 gives the composition of the experimental mixes which contain 4 -5% 2 fireclay, 25 -55% KTMO flotation wastes, and 40 -70% kaolin clay.The flotation waste, used in ceramic mixes where it acts as a flux, from the enrichment of Kaitash tungsten-molybdenum ore (KTMO) accelerates sintering and nucleation of crystalline phases [3].The purpose of the present investigation was to study the phase composition of experimental samples, sintered at different calcination temperatures, by means of x-ray phase, complex-thermographic, petrographic, and electron-microscopic analyses.The XPA data show that peaks characteristic for the interplanar distances of wollastonite (d = 0.300, 0.320, 0.222, 0.198 nm), quartz (d = 0.425, 0.335, 0.181 nm), and anortite (d = 0.376, 0.322, 0.246 nm), and hematite (d = 0.368, 0.21, and 0.184 nm) are clearly seen in the x-ray diffraction patterns of samples of the mixes 3 with added (46%) KTMO and calcined at 950°C (Fig. 1).It is known that using raw material with elevated iron oxide content in the production of ceramic articles has large effect on the formation of the glass-phase structure and promotes a decrease of the appearance temperature of the liquid phase by 50 -70°C [4]. For this reason when the amount of the flotation waste KTMO is increased to 46% even more