We report on the multi-contact frictional dynamics of model elastomer surfaces rubbed against bare glass slides. The surfaces consist of layers patterned with thousands spherical caps (radius of curvature 100 µm) distributed both spatially and in height, regularly or randomly. Use of spherical asperities yields circular micro-contacts whose radius is a direct measure of the contact pressure distribution. In addition, optical tracking of individual contacts provides the in-plane deformations of the tangentially loaded interface, yielding the shear force distribution. We then investigate the stick-slip frictional dynamics of a regular hexagonal array. For all stick phases including the initial one, slip precursors are evidenced. They are found to propagate quasi-statically, normally to the isopressure contours. A simple quasi-static model relying on the existence of interfacial stress gradients is derived and predicts qualitatively the position of slip precursors.PACS numbers: 46.55.+d, 68.35.Ct, 81.40.Pq In recent years, our understanding of the transition from static to dynamic friction has been markedly changed with the development of new imaging techniques to probe spatially the interfacial dynamics at the onset of sliding [1][2][3][4]. Slip phases were found to involve the propagation of a series of dynamical rupture fronts, far from the classical Amontons-Coulomb's picture. Using true contact area imaging with evanescent illumination of a 1D Plexiglas-Plexiglas plane contact, Fineberg and coauthors [1] measured in particular slow fronts with velocities orders of magnitude lower than the Rayleigh wave velocity, along with sub-Rayleigh and fast intersonic fronts. Slow fronts were also reported to propagate at soft elastomer-roughened glass spherical 2D contacts [5] by tracking optically markers positioned on the surface of the elastomer. Brörman et al.[6] extended such studies to micro-structured elastomer surfaces in the form of hexagonal arrays of cylindrical micro-pillars in contact with glass slides, and found again a similar phenomenology. During stick phases, slow slip precursors were also observed well before macroscopic slippage occurs [2]. In all these experiments, a single physical quantity is measured, either the real area of contact directly related to the local normal stress, or the local interfacial stress using displacement measurements. In a recent work [7], Ben-David and Fineberg provided both types of measurement in a system treated as a 1D interface. Using an array of strain gauges sensors distributed directly above the interfacial plane, these authors reported strong correlations between the characteristics of the fronts and the ratio of the measured tangential to normal local stresses. For an extended 2D contact, simultaneous measurements of both pressure and tangential interfacial fields is still lacking and out of reach using Ben-David and Fineberg's approach. In addition, it remains unclear what physical mechanism underlies the existence of slip precursors in the stick phase and thei...