The easily tuned balance among competing interactions in Kondolattice metals allows access to a zero-temperature, continuous transition between magnetically ordered and disordered phases, a quantum-critical point (QCP). Indeed, these highly correlated electron materials are prototypes for discovering and exploring quantumcritical states. Theoretical models proposed to account for the strange thermodynamic and electrical transport properties that emerge around the QCP of a Kondo lattice assume the presence of an indefinitely large number of itinerant charge carriers. Here, we report a systematic transport and thermodynamic investigation of the Kondo-lattice system CeNi 2−δ As 2 (δ ≈ 0.28) as its antiferromagnetic order is tuned by pressure and magnetic field to zero-temperature boundaries. These experiments show that the very small but finite carrier density of ∼ 0.032 e − /formular unit in CeNi 2−δ As 2 leads to unexpected transport signatures of quantum criticality and the delayed development of a fully coherent Kondo-lattice state with decreasing temperature. The small carrier density and associated semimetallicity of this Kondo-lattice material favor an unconventional, localmoment type of quantum criticality and raises the specter of the Nozières exhaustion idea that an insufficient number of conduction-electron spins to separately screen local moments requires collective Kondo screening.Kondo effect | quantum criticality | heavy Fermion | Nozières exhaustion | anomalous Hall effect D uring the past decade or so, particular interest in Kondolattice systems has focused on those in which a moderate hybridization (J fc ) between magnetic f electrons and a sea of itinerant charge carriers allows their tuning by a nonthermal control parameter to a quantum-critical point (QCP) where nonFermi-liquid (NFL) signatures appear in transport and thermodynamic properties (1). Although several models of quantum criticality have been proposed to account for various NFL properties (2, 3), a common assumption of these models is that the material is metallic. In these metals, the magnetic order that is tuned toward zero temperature is either of a local-moment type derived from Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions when J fc is relatively weak or a spin-density-wave (SDW) instability of a large Fermi surface to which the delocalized 4f state contributes when J fc is stronger. An interesting question is what might be expected in a system with a very low carrier density and, additionally, how the low carrier density might influence the signatures of quantum criticality. A related issue is the nature of the magnetism that is being tuned in such a system. A low carrier density implies a dearth of conduction electrons and, consequently, a small Fermi wave vector. Under these circumstances SDW order is unlikely (but not impossible in principle); however, because the RKKY interaction depends on electrons near as well as deeper inside the Fermi sea (4), RKKY-mediated order is more favorable. Additionally, the cross-over from...