Multiferroism can originate from the breaking of inversion symmetry caused by magnetic-spiral order. The usual mechanism for stabilizing a magnetic spiral is competition between magnetic exchange interactions differing by their range and sign, such as nearest-neighbor and next-nearestneighbor interactions. Since the latter are usually weak the onset temperatures for multiferroism via this mechanism are typically low. By considering a realistic model for YBaCuFeO5 we propose an alternative mechanism for magnetic-spiral order, and hence for multiferroism, that occurs at much higher temperatures. We show using Monte-Carlo simulations and electronic structure calculations based on density functional theory that the Heisenberg model on a geometrically non-frustrated lattice with only nearest-neighbor interactions can have a spiral phase up to high temperature when frustrating bonds are introduced randomly along a single crystallographic direction as caused, e.g., by a particular type of chemical disorder. This long-range correlated pattern of frustration avoids ferroelectrically inactive spin glass order. Finally, we provide an intuitive explanation for this mechanism and discuss its generalization to other materials.Insulators with magnetic spiral order are of particular interest because of their associated multiferroism [1][2][3][4][5] in which the breaking of inversion symmetry by the magnetic spiral drives long-range ferroelectric order. The magnetic order can then be manipulated by an applied voltage with minimal current dissipation due to the insulating nature offering potential for low loss memory devices.For many insulators, such as the orthorhombic manganites RMnO 3 (R=Dy,Tb) [6][7][8][9][10], spiral order results from a competition between nearest-neighbor and further-neighbor magnetic exchanges of comparable strength. As a consequence the onset temperature T spi is set by the rather low energy scale of a typical further-neighbor exchange, strongly limiting the multiferroic temperature range. Alternative routes to stabilizing magnetic spirals at higher temperatures are, therefore, of fundamental and technological interest.The phenomenology of the spiral magnet YBaCuFeO 5 , which has one of the highest critical temperatures among the magnetically driven multiferroics [11,12], suggests that a particular type of chemical disorder might provide such a route. As the temperature is lowered below T N ∼ 440 K in YBaCuFeO 5 , the paramagnetic state undergoes a transition to a commensurate magnetic order with wave vector q N = ( 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 ). Then, below T spi < T N , a multiferroic magnetic spiral phase sets in, with a propagation wave vector along the c crystallographic axis, q spi = ( 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 − Q). The value of Q increases smoothly from Q(T spi ) = 0 as temperature is decreased. Impor-tantly, the reported values of T spi range from 180 K to 310 K [11-16] depending on the preparation conditions, and it was recently shown [16] that T spi and Q increase systematically with Fe 3+ /Cu 2+ occupational disord...