Gallium Nitride (GaN) has been widely used as stressor in channel region of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) rather than Silicon (Si) to enhance the channel mobility. In nanoelectronic devices, the GaNFinFETs are also widely used than Si-FinFETs. In this paper, the effects of variations of electrical parameters such as energy band diagram, electrical field, subthreshold swing (SS), transconductance, I-V characteristics and leakage current for both GaNFinFET and Si-FinFET by using the 8nm channel length have been compared and carefully observed that 8nm channel length of GaNFinFET has shown better electrical performances than 8nm channel length of Si-FinFET. Then the impacts of variations of channel length on leakage current, transconductance and I-V characteristics have been shown successfully. The leakage currents by using 8nm and 10nm channel length of both GaNFinFET and Si-FinFET have been measured and found more reduced leakage current of 8nm channel length of
GaNFinFET. Finally, transconductance and I-V characteristic of 8nm and 10nm channel length of GaN have been also analyzed and observed better transconductance and drain current performances for 8nm channel length of
GaNFinFET. For better performance, online based multigate FET (MuGFET) resource of simulator software has been used. All accurate related values of electrical parameters have been collected by using online based simulator tool For precise analyses, a statistical method and Fermi level equation of simulator have been used. For better electrical performances of 8nm channel length of GaNFinFET than Si-FinFETmust be used to design future Nano Devices.