We show that a two-component mixture of a few repulsively interacting ultracold atoms in a one-dimensional trap possesses very diverse quantum regimes and that the crossover between them can be induced by tuning the interactions in one of the species. Starting from the composite fermionization regime, in which the interactions between both components are large and neither gas is phase coherent, our results show that a phase-separated state can be reached by increasing the interaction in one of the species. In this regime, the weakly interacting component stays at the center of the trap and becomes almost fully phase coherent, while the strongly interacting one is expelled to the edges of the trap. The crossover is sharp, as can be witnessed in the system's energy and in the occupation of the lowest natural orbital of the weakly interacting species. We show that such a transition is a few-atom effect which disappears for a large population imbalance. Ensembles of a few interacting ultracold trapped atoms constitute unique quantum systems. They can be exceptionally well isolated from the environment, minimizing the role of decoherence, and are perfect candidates for the study of states with strong quantum correlations. Moreover, they are extremely versatile, as precise control over the shape of the trapping potential and the atom-atom interactions is routinely available in current experiments. Since at these energy scales often all degrees of freedom other than the positions can be ignored, they provide a simple system which still shows a great diversity of phenomena [1,2]. Experimentally, the loading of a small number of fermionic or bosonic atoms into a single trap has been achieved [3], and mixtures have been realized in optical lattice potentials [4]. Also, the strongly correlated low-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau (TG) gas has been achieved experimentally, which also requires low densities [5]. These systems constitute a natural ground for studies of squeezing and entanglement, with applications, for example, in precision measurements [6,7], thus leading to the great interest in their experimental realization.In this article, we predict a sharp crossover between two very different regimes in microscopic, two-component mixtures of repulsively interacting bosons at zero temperature, corresponding to different interaction strengths between atoms of the same and different species when trapped in a onedimensional (1D) trap. In the first regime the interactions between the atoms of different species are strong, while the interactions between the atoms of the same species are weak. This is the so-called composite fermionization limit [8,9], which shows strong anticorrelations between unlike atoms, similar to the ones between like atoms in the standard TG gas [10]. Since the occupation number of the lowest natural orbital for each species, A and B, scales more rapidly than N A,B but more slowly than N A,B , neither of them is fully Bose * magarciamarch@ecm.ub.edu condensed. The second limit is obtained when the interact...