We investigate electron transport in disordered Hubbard chains contacted to macroscopic leads, via the non-equilibrium Green's functions technique. We observe a cross-over of currents and conductances at finite bias which depends on the relative strength of disorder and interactions. The finite-size scaling of the conductance is highly dependent on the interaction strength, and exponential attenuation is not always seen. We provide a proof that the Coherent Potential Approximation, a widely used method for treating disorder averages, fulfils particle conservation at finite bias with or without electron correlations. Finally, our results hint that the observed trends in conductance due to interactions and disorder also appear as signatures in the single-site entanglement entropy.PACS numbers: 72.15. Rn, 72.10.Bg, 71.10.Fd, 03.67.Mn In today's quest for novel electronics and quantuminformation technologies, materials with properties largely determined by electron correlations are an important asset [1]. Altogether, they exhibit a wide range of nontrivial phenomena, making them excellent potential candidates to exploit for cutting-edge functionalities and devices. However, materials behavior is often far from ideal because of uncontrolled, random inhomogeneities in the sample, i.e. disorder. Disorder can greatly affect the behavior of a solid (for example it can dramatically alter conduction properties) and thus it should be considered in a comprehensive theoretical description [2].Significant understanding of the behavior of noninteracting electrons in disordered solids is obtained in terms of a scaling theory of electron localization [3,4]. Interactions add great complexity to the picture, but the reverse is also true: describing electronic correlations in the presence of sample-to-sample statistical fluctuations is much harder than for the homogenous case. For this, one can either resort to straightforward but computationally expensive sums over configurations, or to analytical treatments of statistic fluctuations such as typical medium theory [5] or the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) [6,7]. Traditionally, CPA has been mostly used in static ab initio treatments of disordered metallic alloys [8], but, recently, it has also been used in nonequilibrium setups [9][10][11].On the whole, until now rigorous understanding of interacting electrons in strongly disordered systems has come primarily from numerical studies [4,12] in-and near-equilibrium regimes, by looking e.g. at linear conductances [13][14][15], spectral functions [5,16,17], the degree of localization via the inverse participation ratio [18], or signatures in the entanglement entropy [19,20].Out of equilibrium, the situation is less defined: Even for "simple" cases such as 1D wires in a quantum transport setup (for a recent review of work on 1D, see e.g.[21]), many issues are only partially or not-at-all settled. For example, how do interactions and disorder together affect conduction in a small wire when a finite electric bias is applied? And w...