In this work we present a theoretical study on the thermal and electrical conductivities of quasicrystals. By considering a realistic model for the spectral conductivity we derive closed analytical expressions for the transport coefficients which allow us to study the temperature dependence of the Lorenz ratio L(T)ϭ e (T)/T (T) at different temperature regimes. We conclude that quasicrystals closely follow Wiedemann-Franz's law over a wide temperature range. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1488696͔ According to Wiedemann-Franz's law ͑WFL͒ in most materials thermal and electrical conductivities are mutually related, over certain temperature ranges, through the relationship e (T)/ (T)ϭL 0 T, where e (T) gives the contribution to the thermal conductivity due to the charge carriers, (T) is the electrical conductivity, T is the temperature, and L 0 ϭ(k B /e) 2 0 is the Lorenz number, where k B is the Boltzmann constant, e is the electron charge, and 0 is a constant whose value depends on the nature of the sample. Thus, for metallic systems 0 ϭ 2 /3, and we get the Sommerfeld's value L 0 ϭ2.44ϫ10 Ϫ8 W ⍀K Ϫ2 , while for semiconductors described by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics we have 0 Ӎ2. 1 The WFL has a broad range of validity, and usually holds for arbitrary band structures provided that the change in energy during an electron collision is small compared with k B T. Then, elastic processes dominate the transport coefficients, and the carriers motion determines both the electrical and thermal currents. 2 Quasicrystals ͑QCs͒ are well-ordered metallic alloys exhibiting a broad collection of anomalous transport properties, 3-5 resembling more semiconductor-like than metallic character. 6 Thus, a proper classification of these materials, able to account for both their peculiar electronic structure and their related transport properties, remains elusive. 7 In addition, it has been reported that Ohm's law holds in high quality icosahedral QCs, 8 hence, opening the question regarding what other fundamental laws may also be followed by these materials. From a fundamental viewpoint it seems then quite pertinent to ascertain whether one may expect the WFL to hold in the case of QCs as well. Furthermore, the study of the WFL validity range is also crucial in order to test the working hypothesis usually made when estimating the phonons contribution to the thermal conductivity, ph (T), by substracting to the experimental data, mes (T), the electronic contribution according to the expression ph ϭ mes ϪL 0 T . In fact, were the WFL not valid for QCs, several conclusions about the phonon dynamics in these materials should be substantially revised, an important question which has been scarcely considered in the literature. 9 Unfortunately, the high electrical resistivity of QCs currently prevents an accurate experimental evaluation of the Lorenz number for these materials. 10,11 The main goal of this work is then to theoretically estimate the validity of WFL for QCs, providing some physical insight aimed to spur...