Large-scale reactor-relevant fusion plasmas are likely to operate near marginal stability. In this regime, we show clear evidence of interplay between core and edge regions of the plasma. This result illustrates aspects of the controversial 'shortfall problem' in the far-core, near-edge so-called 'No Man's Land' region and a possible route to resolve this issue. More generally, it emphasises global-scale organisation of turbulence and relevance of edge dynamics to core confinement. Magnetically confined plasmas are often separated in spirit and in modeling into an inner core region of fusion performance and a somewhat outlying and disconnected edge and Scrape-Off-Layer (SOL) region, dedicated to interactions with the material structure of the confining device. The degree to which it is actually reasonable to disconnect core and edge is addressed in this paper. Conclusions are threefold: (i) core and edge can significantly interplay, hence global-scale description of turbulence selforganisation appears important, (ii) inward propagation of edge turbulence is a major contribution to core-edge interplay, (iii) this interplay is all the more important close to a critical point, marginal instability for instance.The regime of near-marginality [1] for magnetised plasmas is not merely academically-appealing for its rich dynamics and manifestations of self-organisation [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. It is as well a likely practical operating regime for current and future confinement devices for which the ratio of plasma volume over external heating is large, favouring proximity to marginality. Whilst a submarginal state may exist globally, a regime of near-marginality is frequently inhomogeneous in time and in space, displaying a range of transport properties [9] as submarginal and turbulent patches coexist, with intermittent behaviour. Global-scale organisation of turbulence, from core (ρ = r/a 0.6) to edge (0.9 ρ 1) is here investigated in such regimes, in the relevant low-heating limit of flux-driven forcing and using the gyrokinetic approach in Gysela [10,11].Gysela has recently been upgraded to account beyond the outer edge for SOL-like (ρ ≥ 1) boundary conditions [12]. A sink is progressively added from ρ = 1.05 to 1.15 author's e-mail: * ) This article is based on the invited talk at the 33rd JSPF Annual Meeting (2016, Tohoku).by enforcing exponentially-decaying density and temperature profiles. Though too crude to address SOL physics, these outer conditions introduce a coupling between the modeled confined plasma and the SOL-like sink region. Outward and inward plasma fluxes are self-consistently exchanged across ρ = 1 and fluxes beyond ρ = 1.05 are progressively damped. Self-consistent interplay of core and edge can be realistically investigated up to ρ = 1. The steady increase, in L-mode, of the relative level of turbulent fluctuations δn/n, n being the plasma density, from the innermost core to the edge [13] is a universal feature of tokamak plasmas. Yet under-prediction of the fluctuatio...