Relative dispersion of a passive scalar plume was investigated in uniformly sheared, nearly homogeneous, turbulent flow with Re λ ≈ 150 using planar laser-induced fluorescence. Mean concentration maps were determined both in the laboratory frame and in a frame attached to the instantaneous center of mass of the plume cross section. The distance-neighbor function had a shape that was compatible with Richardson's expression. The mean square particle separation, two estimates of which were found to be nearly identical, had a streamwise evolution that was consistent with Richardson-Obukhov scaling with a Richardson's constant of g = 0.35. Batchelor scaling was also consistent with a wide range of the results. In these expressions, r 0 is the initial pair separation, C 2 is the Kolmogorov constant [3,4], is the mean dissipation rate, t B = (r 2 0 / ) 1/3 is the Batchelor time scale, g is the Richardson constant, and T L is the Lagrangian integral time scale. The range t t B is known as the Batchelor regime, whereas the term Richardson-Obukhov regime signifies the range t B t T L . Theoretical estimates of Richardson's constant span the wide range 0.06 < g < 3.52 [5], whereas recent experimental and numerical estimates have narrowed it down to the range 0.5 < g < 0.6 [2].Particle separations have been measured directly with the use of particle tracking methods [2,4,6-8]. Alternatively, mean particle separation can also be estimated from measurements of concentration in a diffusing cloud of particles relative to its center of mass [5,[9][10][11]. A property of interest in such studies is the distance-neighbor function q(s), defined as the probability density function (pdf) of the distance s between particle pairs within the cloud [1,5]. q(s) can be estimated as the marginal pdf of the ensemble-averaged autocorrelations of instantaneous concentration maps [12]. In the Richardson-Obukhov regime, theoretical predictions have led to the relationship q(s) ∝ e −s n ; the exponent n was given as 2/3 by Richardson and as n = 2 by Batchelor [2], but values of n from particle tracking measurements [6][7][8] and concentration maps [12] have so far been inconsistent. The accuracy of relative diffusion * measurements in laboratory studies has improved significantly in recent years, following advances in planar laser-induced fluorescence and particle tracking techniques. Even so, the fact that most laboratory flows have been conducted at relatively low turbulence Reynolds numbers Re λ limits their assertiveness, particularly in the light of the ongoing debate concerning the existence of the Richardson-Obukhov regime at low Reynolds numbers. Bourgoin et al. [4] studied the motion of particles in a closed tank stirred by counter-rotating baffled disks and observed that the evolution of r 2 (t) was consistent with Batchelor scaling for t t B , but found no evidence of Richardson-Obukhov scaling for t t B , for values of the turbulence Reynolds number Re λ up to 815. In contrast, Ott and Mann [7] reported ...