Magnetic fluctuation induced electron energy transport is measured in the Continuous Current Tokamak [R.J. Taylor et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 2365(1989] at 0.75 ( r/a ( 1 for fluctuations with 0 & f ( 150 kHz. The flux, produced by electrons traveling parallel to a fluctuating magnetic field, is obtained from the correlation between the fluctuations in the parallel heat flux and the radial magnetic field. It was found that the magnetic fluctuations do not contribute to the total energy transport except in the vicinity of the q = 2 magnetic surface in the presence of large amplitude Mirnov oscillation. PACS numbers: 52.55.Fa, 52.25.Fi, 52.25.Gj, 52.55.Pi The role of magnetic fluctuations in the transport of energy in a tokamak has been an unresolved question for decades. Lacking direct measurements of the energy flux driven by magnetic fluctuations, inferences have been made from measurements of the magnetic fluctuation amplitude. For example, a simple quasilinear estimate [1,2] y, = Ij,Lb, of the electron thermal conductivity is often applied to experiment (v, is the electron thermal velocity, L is the parallel correlation length for the magnetic fluctuations, and b"= B"/B is their relative amplitude).This estimate usually implies that magnetic fluctuation induced transport is small at the plasma edge, as concluded in TEXT-U [3]. On the other hand, the level of fluctuations may become significant deeper in the plasma core [3,4]; experiments with a variable safety factor q in the TOKAPOLE tokamak [5] indicate significance of magnetic fluctuations at low q. Experiments in the ISX-B tokamak [6] at high beta (plasma pressure), Doublet III [7], and JET [8] show a correlation between confinement time and magnetic fluctuations. As the confinement time decreases, the fluctuations increase; however, causality between them was not established.To determine decisively the role of the magnetic fluctuations in energy transport requires measurement of the energy flux specifically generated by the fluctuations. The radial energy flux arising from electron motion parallel to the magnetic field is given by Q"= Q~~r = (Q . b) (b r), where b and r" are unit vectors along the magnetic field and the radial direction, respectively. Separating Q and b into equilibrium and fluctuating quantities yields the ensemble-averaged radial energy flux [9] &Q~~B, &where Q~~i s the fluctuating electron heat flux parallel to the equilibrium magnetic field [i.e., Q~~= f v~~(mv /2) f(v)dv], B" is the fluctuating radial magnetic field, B is the equilibrium field, and the brackets ( ) represent the flux surface averaged product of fluctuating quantities. The key to measuring the energy flux from fluctuating magnetic field is to obtain Q~~a nd B, locally within the plasma. In this Letter we present direct measurement of magnetic fluctuation induced electron heat transport in the Continuous Current Tokamak (CCT) [10] device. This work differs from all past work in which transport is calculated using the Rechester-Rosenbluth transport model [2] with t...