The effect of the Prandtl number (Pr) and the Reynolds number (Re) on the behaviour of weak laminar axisymmetric and plane fountains has been studied using dimensional and scaling analyses and direct numerical simulation. For Fr $ 1.0 and assuming viscous effects are important, the analysis shows that for both the axisymmetric and plane fountains, y m $ FrRe À1=2 , where Fr is the Froude number defined at the fountain source and y m is the non-dimensionalized fountain height. These scalings are also valid for the non-dimensionalized fountain width. The analyses also shows s ms $ Fr 2 , where s ms is the non-dimensionalized time scale for the fountain flow in the fountain core to reach steady state, and using this time scale Dy T $ Fr(RePr) À1=2 , where Dy T is the nondimensionalized thickness of the temperature layer on the symmetry axis over which the fountain fluid temperature changes from the inlet value to that of the ambient fluid. All these scalings have been quantified by the direct numerical simulations, hence confirming in certain ranges the phenomenological scaling obtained in this paper.
IntroductionFountains occur with jets when the buoyancy force acting on the jet, as a result of a density difference between the jet fluid and the surrounding ambient fluid, acts in the opposite direction to that of the jet flow. Thus both dense jets projected upwards into a less dense medium, and less dense jets projected downwards into a more dense medium, will produce fountains. Considering only the upward projected dense flow, the jet will penetrate to a finite height, with the fluid then falling back as a plunging plume. In cases where the jet source lies on a solid boundary the plunging plume falls to the boundary and then forms a gravity intrusion travelling away from the main fountain flow.For fountains with a strong source, the flow becomes turbulent quite close to the source. The discharge momentum is relatively larger than the negative buoyancy and the flow is characterized by Fr > 1.0 where Fr is the Froude number at the fountain source, defined as the ratio of inertia to buoyant forces as follows:where M 0 and B 0 are the specific momentum flux and specific buoyant flux, V 0 the discharge velocity, and X 0 the radius of the orifice at the fountain source for an axisymmetric fountain or the half-width of the slot at the source for a plane fountain. When the discharge velocity at the source is uniform, M 0 and B 0 are calculated by:for axisymmetric fountains andfor plane fountains, where r 0 is the reduced gravity between the fountain and the ambient fluid at the source. Therefore, for a uniform discharge velocity at the source for both axisymmetric and plane fountains, Fr is calculated as followsFor the strong fountains the fountain top, plunging plume and intrusion flow are distinct features. There have been many experimental, analytical and numerical studies on turbulent fountains in the past decades [1-16] and a brief discussion of these studies was presented by Lin and Armfield [17]. For fountains with ...