mathematics seems, at first sight anyway, to become more and more dominated by direct numerical simulations. Admittedly, this leads to new insights which, it would seem, could not have been attained by other means" and ". . . many believe that asymptotics deals with exceptional cases which are usually outside the practical domain. However, this is a misconception!" The Guest-Editors of the following, second, third and fourth issues on practical asymptotics, argued that asymptotic solutions and asymptotic methods remain and will be valuable because they "provide important complements to numerical simulation" [2], "can offer ways to systematically study problems that may otherwise be inaccessible" [3] and "may provide quantitative and/or qualitative information that computer simulations can not" [4]. It is seen that the issues on practical asymptotics are a forum for discussion "Does the asymptotic analysis have a future in the era of supercomputers?". The answer to the question is obvious: "Yes, it has."Researchers and engineers, who use asymptotic methods and/or approximations inspired by these methods to solve practical problems, well understand that asymptotic analysis is a powerful tool, the range of applicability of which is very wide but does not cover everything we need. However, the situation is not so simple. There is a difficulty which is not about the application of asymptotic methods to practical problems but about the "public" opinion that asymptotic and, in general, mathematical tools are "old-fashioned" compared with direct numerical simulations. These days even academics sometimes ask the question "Why do we need this complicated analysis, if the problem can be easily solved by computer simulations?" Before the 90s numerical calculations were complementary to rigorous or approximate analysis of a problem. At the present time the "center of mass" in research is still moving towards computations. However, along this way, it is getting more and more clear that computer simulations being applied to practical problems is not a universal panacea. Euphoria about computers is still high but a more practical point of view is becoming at least visible these days: computation is a research tool as are many other approximate or rigorous tools of mathematics which help us to gain new knowledge, understand important phenomena and solve challenging practical problems.It would be perfect if our problems could be solved in a rigorous way. But this is an ideal situation which happens quite rarely, especially in new formulations. In order to obtain a solution, we need rigorous mathematical methods, approximate methods, with asymptotic methods being the most powerful of them, and computations. It is wrong A. Korobkin (B)