Applications of the thermomechanical effect has been qualified including incorporation in large-scale space systems in the area of vapor-liquid phase separation (VLPS). The theory of the porous-plug phase separator is developed for the limit of a high thermal impedance of the solid-state grains. Extensions of the theory of nonlinear turbulent flow are presented based on experimental results.
Nomenclature= length in rate constant equation = cross-sectional area = diameter = VLPS factor [ 1 + ST/X\ ~l = gravitational acceleration = mass flux density (/, with i = n,s) = rate constant for normal fluid convection = thickness of plug = characteristic length K 1/2 = mass flow rate = pressure = thermomechanical pressure = heat flux density = heat flow rate = radial position coordinate = radius of tube = slit width = entropy per unit mass = time = temperature = velocity (vj with j = n,s) --relative velocity (v n -v s ) = position coordinate = shear viscosity = permeability = latent heat of vaporization = chemical potential = density = wave function = apparent = downstream = effective = normal fluid = superficial value = superfluid = superfluid, critical = upstream = vapor-liquid phase separation = zero net mass flow = bulk