Counterfeit medicine is a serious issue since it involves with the health of human. Objective of this work is to design a mobile application system for checking status of medicine approval by Malaysia Ministry of Health. This application is developed using Android based system. Before the products either traditional medicine or modern medicine are being distributed in the market, they should be registered with Malaysia Ministry of Health in order to ensure the customer's safety. The registration is needed to approve that the medicine is safe to be used. Methods that had commonly been used to identify the medicine are through website, barcode scanner, quick response (QR) code scanner and hologram scanner. However, in this project, the proposed method is text-search on Android platform. This system is expected to identify the status of pharmaceutical products, whether the medicine is counterfeit or not by using search query. Besides showing the status of the medicine, it also includes some other information such as product's name, holder, manufacturer and the dangerous substances contain in the medicine. All the information is stored in the mobile database.