Throughout history, women have been subjected to various forms of discrimination in different cultures and regions of the world. It is possible to mention many factors that feed these discrimination. However, we can say that the most basic discrimination which can extend its arms from the depths of history to patriarchy. Patriarchal discourse defines women as passive, obedient and patient, while reinforcing the maledominated power field within the social structure. The social and economic consequences of this form of empowerment are reflected in women's lives. Women experience the consequences of discrimination in different ways. One of the most important of these results is poverty. As a result of women's social, economic and cultural discrimination, women experience poverty in the world more deeply than men. The concept of women's poverty emerges as one of the consequences of the inability of women to benefit from opportunities such as education and employment. Women's poverty can be defined as the situation of women falling into poverty due to inadequate social and economic opportunities. In this respect, the poverty approach of Amartya Sen is gaining importance. According to Sen, poverty cannot be defined as a "low income" or " income insufficiency". When we think about this definition, the opportunity to improve the ability of women to do away with it, it is difficult to get rid of falling into poverty. In this study, our aim is to reveal female poverty and the factors that feed this poverty. While women are crushed under the weight of the patriarchal social structure, they can benefit from opportunities such as education and employment much less than men. This places women among the groups representing poverty in the society, and this leads to the transformation of poverty into an inter generational heritage. This study was carried out by comparing and analyzing the ratios of men and women in the data obtained from various fields (education, employment, etc.) as well as obtaining data with documentation techniques.