This study aims to comparatively examine drug use in Arizona and Spain, in order to know if similarities and differences in drug use patterns justify the administration in Spain of U.S. prevention intervention programs. Data were obtained from independent samples of seventh-grade students recruited from urban public schools and surveyed in 1998: 4,035 ethnically diverse Arizona students (Latinos and non-Hispanic Whites), and 2,243 Spanish-White students. Comparisons using Odds ratios and Chi-square tests allowed assessment of differences in drug use rates between preadolescents in Arizona and Spain taking into account gender. Furthermore, ethnicity differences in preadolescent drug use and in psychosocial risk factors were explored using multivariate analysis (ANOVA and logistic regression). Our results showed similar trends in drug use between Arizona and Spain students, with gateway drugs already in use by early adolescents, and with higher rates of drug use among males than among females. However, cross-national differences in marijuana/ cannabis use were noteworthy: Arizona preadolescents were over 25 times more likely to report marijuana/cannabis use than preadolescents from Spain. Moreover, when ethnic differences were considered, Latinos in Arizona reported higher marijuana/cannabis use compared with non-Latino students. Drug use patterns among Latino preadolescents, as well as the relevance of some risk factors among the diverse groups, were strongly influenced by their level of acculturation. Study limitations and the implications of our findings for early drug use prevention and future research are discussed.
KeywordsPreadolescents; substance use; cross-national; Spain; Arizona; gender; ethnicity Substance abuse 1 among adolescents is an important public health problem both in the United States and in Europe. Adolescent substance misuse has been related to other behavioral problems such as school dropout, truancy, aggression, and antisocial behavior (Donovan and Jessor, 1978;Eggert and Randell, 2003). In addition, drug use during late childhood and adolescence may lead to diverse social and emotional problems during adulthood and, therefore, considerably impair psychosocial development (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2003;Severson, Andrews, and Walker, 2003 has promoted the development of prevention strategies in different countries (Ferrer-Wreder, Stattin, Lorente, Tubman, and Adamson, 2004). Usually, prevention programs that have been proven as efficacious in other contexts are selected for administration. In fact, many European countries have imported prevention strategies developed in the United States, given that the better known U.S. programs are supported by rigorous evaluation data. Within this context, the present study is aimed at comparatively examining drug use in Arizona and Spain, in order to know if similarities and differences in drug use patterns justify the administration in Spain of U.S. programs.A shared aspect of efficacious preventive strategies is the emphasis on earl...