Play is a natural state in which children enjoy and practice various
cognitive, social, and motor skills. Play observations in the natural
learning environment helps practitioners and researchers to develop
appropriate intervention. Previous research based on observations in the
natural learning environment indicates a large gap between the behavior of
children with autism and that of their peers. Although autism occurs
relatively frequently in twins, research on their play interaction is
scarce. The aim of this research was to determine the dominant type of play
and interaction in three pairs of twins with autism spectrum disorder in an
everyday school environment, the duration of interactions, the most frequent
initiators of interactions, and whether there was a difference with regard
to whom the social interaction was directed. Six boys with autism, i.e.,
three pairs of twins, participated in this research. Data was collected by
employing questionnaires (A general questionnaire; ZQYT; GARS-3), as well as
through observations (The Social Interaction Coding Protocol). The twins?
behavior and interaction were recorded by a video camera. The results showed
that twins were most frequently involved in manipulative and repetitive
play, somewhat less frequently in relational play, while they did not
participate in symbolic play. There was no statistically significant
difference in the duration of interactions when the initiator was a twin
compared to those initiated by another child, while interactions initiated
by a teacher lasted significantly longer. The twins interacted with their
co-twin least frequently. Furthermore, research results indicated that
simple socially directed behavior was the most common type of interaction,
followed by coordinated socially directed behavior. The obtained results led
to the conclusion that twins with autism most frequently participate in two
types of play and that the duration of their interaction varies depending on
whether the initiator is a child or an adult. In children with autism, play
has a significant role in the educational context. Thus, the data obtained
by observing the play of twins with autism is significant for practitioners
when evaluating how play characteristics can be used to plan interventions
for improving the social interactions of children with autism.