Snl_xTbx)Tb4Rh6Sn18 and (Snl_xDyx)Dy4OsrSnls belong to a large stannide series where there exist two chemical formulae: SnM3M~Sn~2 (phase I and I') and SnM4M~Sn~8 (phase II and II'), and four structures: I, I', II and II'. That of phase II' appeared to be cubic (a = 13.7/~ and space group Fm3m) while the structure of phase II is tetragonal (a = 13-7, c ~-27.4A and space group I4~/acd). Phase II' of the * Present address: KFK, ITP Postfach 3640, D-7500 Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany. 0108-7681/87/010076-08501.50 streaks. Crystal data for (Snl_xTb,,)Tb4Rh6Snl8, x = 1: M, = 3548.5, disordered microtwinned tetra~onal, 14~/acd, a = 13.772 (2)A, c=2a, V= 5224.2 A, Z= 8, D,, = 9.02 gcm -3, Ag Ka, graphite monochromator, /z = 175-9 cm -t, F(000) = 11 960, T= ambient.
AbstractElectron-density distribution of a nitrite ion was calculated by the ab initio molecular-orbital method using STO-3G, STO-6G, MIDI4 and MIDI4* basis sets. The N-O bonding peak, which was observed in the experimental deformation density of LiNO2.H20, could be reproduced only by using the MIDI4* basis set. This indicates the importance of polarization functions in the study of charge distribution.