We study tensor powers of rank 1 sign-normalized Drinfeld A-modules, where A is the coordinate ring of an elliptic curve over a finite field. Using the theory of A-motives, we find explicit formulas for the A-action of these modules. Then, by developing the theory of vector-valued Anderson generating functions, we give formulas for the period lattice of the associated exponential function. the Carlitz module and [32, §3] for tensor powers of the Carlitz module). Further, we have a nice product formula for π, the Carlitz period, and a formula for the bottom coordinate of the fundamental period associated with tensor powers of the Carlitz module (see [4, §2.5]).As a generalization for the Carlitz module, Drinfeld introduced the notion of Drinfeld modules (see also [21], [28] or [45] for a thorough account of Drinfeld modules). Since their introduction, many researchers have worked to developed an explicit theory for Drinfeld modules which parallels that for the Carlitz module, notably Anderson in [2] and [3], Thakur in [43] and [44], Dummit and Hayes in [17], and Hayes in [27]. To discuss the results of the present paper, we first recall a few basic facts about rank 1 sign-normalized Drinfeld modules over rings A, where A is the affine coordinate ring of an elliptic curve E/F q (see §3 for a more thorough review of Drinfeld modules). Define A = F q [t, y], where t and y are related via a cubic Weierstrass equation for E. Also define an isomorphic copy of A, which we denote A = F q [θ, η], where θ and η satisfy the same cubic Weierstrass equation as t and y. Let K be the fraction field of A, let K ∞ be the completion of K at the infinite place, let Date: October 4, 2018.