Let F denote a field, and let V denote a vector space over F with finite positive dimension. We consider an ordered pair of F-linear maps A :, where V * −1 = 0 and V * δ+1 = 0; (iv) there does not exist a subspace U of V such that AU ⊆ U , A * U ⊆ U , U = 0, U = V . We call such a pair a tridiagonal pair on V . We assume that A, A * belongs to a family of tridiagonal pairs said to have q-Racah type. There is an infinite-dimensional algebra ⊠ q called the q-tetrahedron algebra; it is generated by four copies of U q (sl 2 ) that are related in a certain way. Using A, A * we construct two ⊠ q -module structures on V . In this construction the two main ingredients are the double lowering map ψ : V → V due to Sarah Bockting-Conrad, and a certain invertible map W : V → V motivated by the spin model concept due to V. F. R. Jones.