Following the previous paper arXiv:1205.4827, we formulate an S-matrix functional for massive fermion ultra-helicity-violating (UHV) amplitudes, i.e., scattering amplitudes of positive-helicity gluons and a pair of massive fermions. The S-matrix functional realizes a massive extension of the Cachazo-Svrcek-Witten (CSW) rules in a functional language. Mass-dimension analysis implies that interactions among gluons and massive fermions should be decomposed into three-point massive fermion subamplitudes. Namely, such interactions are represented by combinations of three-point UHV and next-to-UHV (NUHV) vertices. This feature is qualitatively different from the massive scalar amplitudes where the number of involving gluons can be arbitrary.Recent developments on the calculation of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories within a framework of the spinor-helicity formalism are remarkable. Technically and practically these developments can be recapitulated by a field theoretic prescription, either the CSW rules [1] or the BCFW recursion relation [2,3].Incorporation of massive fermions along the lines of these developments, a main subject of the present paper, has been studied in various methods, e.g., by extension of BCFW-like recursion relations [4,5,6,7] (see also recent progress [8,9]), by use of supersymmetric Ward identities [10,11], and by developing massive versions of the CSW rules [12,13]. (The massive CSW rules are initially developed in [14,15] for the incorporation of massive scalars into the original CSW rules.) There also exists a more general approach which seems to connect all these methods to one another; this is referred to as the "on-shell constructibility" method [16,17]. In this general approach massive deformation of massless amplitudes is carried out by use of the massive spinor-helicity formalism [18]. The on-shell constructibility method is applicable to massive fermions as well as the other types of massive particles, i.e., scalars and vector bosons [16,17].