The sensitivity and frequency selectivity of hearing result from tuned amplification by an active process in the mechanoreceptive hair cells. In most vertebrates, the active process stems from the active motility of hair bundles. The mammalian cochlea exhibits an additional form of mechanical activity termed electromotility: its outer hair cells (OHCs) change length upon electrical stimulation. The relative contributions of these two mechanisms to the active process in the mammalian inner ear is the subject of intense current debate. Here, we show that active hair-bundle motility and electromotility can together implement an efficient mechanism for amplification that functions like a ratchet: Sound-evoked forces, acting on the basilar membrane, are transmitted to the hair bundles, whereas electromotility decouples active hair-bundle forces from the basilar membrane. This unidirectional coupling can extend the hearing range well below the resonant frequency of the basilar membrane. It thereby provides a concept for lowfrequency hearing that accounts for a variety of unexplained experimental observations from the cochlear apex, including the shape and phase behavior of apical tuning curves, their lack of significant nonlinearities, and the shape changes of threshold tuning curves of auditory-nerve fibers along the cochlea. The ratchet mechanism constitutes a general design principle for implementing mechanical amplification in engineering applications.auditory system | cochlea | hair cell T he mammalian cochlea acts as a frequency analyzer in which high frequencies are detected at the organ's base and low frequencies at more apical positions. This frequency mapping is thought to be achieved by a position-dependent resonance of the elastic basilar membrane separating two fluid-filled compartments ( Fig. 1A) (1-3). When sound evokes a pressure wave that displaces the basilar membrane, the resultant traveling wave gradually increases in amplitude as it progresses to the position where the basilar membrane's resonant frequency coincides with that of the stimulus. Aided by mechanical energy provided by the active process, the wave peaks at a characteristic place slightly before the resonant position and then declines sharply (Fig. 1B). This mechanism is termed critical-layer absorption (1), for a wave cannot travel beyond its characteristic position on the basilar membrane but peaks and dissipates most of its energy there. The mechanism displays scale invariance: different stimulation frequencies induce traveling waves that display a common, strongly asymmetric form upon rescaling of the amplitude and spatial coordinate (4, 5).Two important aspects of the cochlea's mechanics remain problematical. First, the basilar membrane's resonant frequency apparently cannot span the entire range of audible frequencies. Experimental measurements of basilar-membrane stiffness suggest that high-frequency resonances are feasible but lowfrequency ones are inaccessible (6). This result accords with the analysis of threshold tuning curve...