In this Perspective, we review recent developments in noncollinear electronic structure theory.After a brief historical overview of studies into broken symmetry wave functions, we show that noncollinear wave functions are necessary for studying spin and magnetic phenomena on account of spin-symmetry breaking terms in the Hamiltonian. Recent developments applying noncollinear electronic structure theory to magnetization dynamics, spin dynamics, and spin-orbit coupling in excited state properties are showcased. We also discuss some recent developments in noncollinear density functional theory. Finally, we comment on the future of noncollinear electronic structure theory.noncollinear spin, relativistic electronic structure theory, symmetry breaking, time-dependent electronic structure theory, two-component method 1 | I N TR ODU C TI ON Mean-field, and self-consistent field (SCF), methods are the backbone of modern electronic structure theory. Since the introduction of the singledeterminant ansatz by Hartree and Fock, there has been a great deal of work on understanding the nature of the Hartree-Fock (HF) solutions as well as how to improve their utility in the description of atoms and molecules. It was recognized early on that the solution of the HF equations required a balance between two (sometimes competing) goals. [1][2][3][4][5] The first was that the HF equations would be at a variational minimum: the best SCF solution would be the lowest energy single-determinant approximation to the full configuration interaction (FCI) equations (for a given basis).Solutions of the HF equations would always seek to find the lowest possible energy solution, so as to satisfy the variational principle. Conversely, it was known that the underlying electronic Hamiltonian is invariant to several unitary transformations, most notably spin rotations. This invariance expresses itself as a conservation law, and the conserved quantity is total spin angular momentum S 2 as well as the spin projection along an arbitrary axis, S z . Surely a physically meaningful solution of the HF approximation would also have good quantum numbers, so invariance to rotations in the spin manifold was built-in to the HF equations as a constraint in the single determinantal expression. For example, the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) equations contain only paired electrons in orbitals, yielding solutions with good spin quantum numbers.Unfortunately, it was quickly found that there are many cases where insisting that the HF solution be a spin eigenstate yields energies that are higher than they would otherwise be if spin symmetry constraints were relaxed. For example, in the classic example of the dissociation of H 2 one finds that when the bond is stretched to a certain distance (the Coulson-Fischer point) an RHF to UHF instability forms and qualitatively correct dissociation curve are obtained only in the spin symmetry broken state. The spin symmetry breaking arises when the solutions approach a (near) degeneracy. Hartree-Fock solutions are unstable...