Abstract. Compact metric spaces that admit intrinsic isometries to the Euclidean d-space are considered. Roughly, the main result states that the class of such spaces coincides with the class of inverse limits of Euclidean d-polyhedra. §1. IntroductionThe intrinsic isometries are defined in §2; this is a variation of the notion of a path isometry, i.e., a map that preserves the lengths of curves. Any intrinsic isometry is a path isometry; the converse is not true in general.The following statement is a reason for me to prefer intrinsic isometry.
Starting Proposition 1.1. Let X be a compact metric space that admits an intrinsic isometry to the d-dimensional Euclidean space (further denoted by E d ). Then dim X ≤ d, where dim denotes the Lebesgue covering dimension.This statement is proved in §3. A similar statement for path isometry fails; see Example 4.2. Furthermore, also the Hausdorff dimension cannot be bounded. For example, the R-tree admits an intrinsic isometry to R and it contains compact subsets of arbitrarily large Hausdorff dimension.Here are some known results on length spaces that admit intrinsic isometry to E d .
Theorem 1.2. Let R be a d-dimensional Riemannian space and f : R → E d a short map.1 Then, given ε > 0, there is an intrinsic isometry ı :for any x ∈ R.
In particular, any Riemannian d-space admits an intrinsic isometry toFor path isometries, this theorem was proved in [7, 2.4.11], and the same proof works for intrinsic isometries. Applying this theorem, one can show that any limit of an increasing sequence of Riemannian metrics on a fixed d-dimensional manifold admits an intrinsic isometry to E d . (The proof is similar to the "if"-part of the main theorem.) In particular, any sub-Riemannian metric on a d-dimensional manifold admits an intrinsic isometry to E d .