Ice shelves, extensions of glaciers that float over the ocean, act as buttresses restraining the flow of glaciers feeding into them. They restrict outflow from many of the largest glaciers and ice streams in Antarctica. This concept had been considered theoretically for decades, but its reality was very clearly demonstrated by the collapse of the Larsen B Ice Shelf on the east side of the Antarctic Peninsula in 2002 and the subsequent increase in flow velocity of glaciers that had previously flowed into it (De Angelis & Skvarca, 2003;Scambos et al., 2004). Collapse of ice shelves that larger glaciers flow into leading to acceleration of their flow into the ocean would increase the Antarctic contribution to global sea-level rise.Many large glaciers in West Antarctica and some covering large parts of East Antarctica flow on beds that increase in depth upstream. For these glaciers, ice thinning resulting from such flow acceleration would force retreat of their grounding lines, where glacier ice starts to float as it flows toward the ocean. This in turn has the potential to initiate runaway retreat through a feedback process called Marine Ice Sheet Instability (MISI;Schoof, 2007;Weertman, 1974).A further possibility is that sudden ice-shelf collapse could leave tall ice cliffs in which gravitational stress from the mass above water and buoyancy from the submerged part exceeds the yield strength of the ice. Where glacier beds increase in depth upstream, resulting cliff failure would expose even taller cliffs, potentially leading to runaway retreat through a different feedback process called Marine Ice Cliff Instability (MICI; Bassis & Jacobs, 2013;Crawford et al., 2021). There are no examples of MICI having driven substantial retreat during the relatively short period of modern observations of ice-sheet change, but characteristics of iceberg-keel plow marks over an