The analysis of salivary proteins is important to enhance our understanding of the physiology of exocrine gland secretion and the anticholinergic effect of drugs. analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) [l-31 but electrophoretic analysis of animal saliva is more difficult because of minimal sample volume and low protein concentration. We have recently applied our simplified method of SDS-PAGE to stimulated cat and rat parotid saliva 14-61.only microliter volumes of unconcentrated, nondialyzed saliva. protein constituent Mr 30,000 which electrophoreses in dimeric form when samples are prepared without 2mercaptoethanol ("non-reducing" conditions). Whilst early studies suggested a covalent linkage via disulfide bonding [4], recent findings indicate a strong non-covalent association. sequential fractions (of 10 min duration) during prolonged (90 min) parasympathetic stimulation (10Hz) 16) and prepared for electrophoresis by mixing nine volumes with one volume of 0.625 M Tris-HC1 pH 6.8 containing 10% SDS (final concentration 1% w/v), two volumes of glycerol and 0.5 of a volume of 2-mercaptoethanol ("reducing" conditions). Duplicate sample aliquots were prepared without 2-mercaptoetha-no1 ("non-reducing" conditions) and also with a range of SDS concentrations (0.5%-5.0% w/v). The sample mixtures were heated to 95°C for 10 min, loaded in agarose wells precast on the upper surface of 6-24% w/v polyacrylamide gradient gels (75 X 75 X 3 nun) and electrophoresed, without a stacking gel, at 70 mA/gel for lh in precooled (4°C) 0.025 M Tris, 0.2 M glycine containing 0.1% w/v SDS [2,3].in aqueous 20% w/v trichloroacetic acid and the proteins stained at 60°C for 30 min in aqueous 50% v/v methanol/lO% acetic acid containing 0.1% w/v Serva Blue R prior to destaining in aqueous 5% v/v methanol /7% acetic acid and densitometry (Ultrascan XL Laser Densitometer, LKB, Milton Keynes, UK).The major cat parotid salivary protein appeared as a monomer (Mr 30,000) upon SDS-PAGE under "reducing" conditions but as a dimer (Mr 60,060) under "non-reducing" conditions. High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis under " n o n -r e d u c i n g " c o n d i t i o n s revealed only the monomersuggesting a non-covalent association. This was confirmed by SDS-PAGE of sample aliquots prepared without 2-mercaptoethanoi but with increasing concentrations of SDS (0.5 -5% w/v, Fig. 1 A ) the pattern indicated a corresponding step-wise increase in the proportion of monomer t o dimer (Fig. 1A).The latter was quantitated by densitometry and was shown to increase in a linear manner when plotted as a frinction of the SDS concentration (Fig. 1B).The present study indicates a strong but noncovalent dimerization of the major cat parotid salivary protein. The results suggest that at zero SDS concentration the native protein probably exists almost entirely in its dimeric form. The method adopted provides a novel means of electrophoretically monitoring the response of a protein to the dissociating effects of SDS. Whilst ...