Fluid dynamic simulations using the FENE-P model of polymer physics are compared to those of an incompressible Newtonian fluid base case in order to understand the role of elasticity in the formation of vortices in a 90° bend narrow channel. The analysis bridges the flow behavior of a purely elastic fluid and that of a Newtonian fluid. We evaluated how four dimensionless numbers—Reynolds number (Re), Weissenberg number (Wi), viscosity ratio (β), and elasticity number (El)—affect the formation of vortices. It is shown that increasing Re and Wi, or lowering β will cause vortices to grow in size. Two phase space diagrams, β vs. El and β vs. Re, were created to show the range of values where inertial and elastic vortices form. Both diagrams have three zones. Depending on the polymer viscosity ratio and the elasticity number, the vortices form either upstream of the bend (elasticity driven) or form downstream of the bend (inertia driven), are suppressed. Our predictions are in good agreement with previous experimental and numerical works.