Applying the formalism of the Tsallis nonadditive statistical mechanics, a derivation of hydrodynamic and quasi-hydrodynamic equations is considered based on the generalized BGK kinetic equation. In particular, those equations are intended for construction of more appropriate macroscopic and mesoscopic models of transport systems related to the so-called anomalous systems where the corresponding phase space possesses a complicated (fractal) structure. The classic Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics (or Maxwell's distribution of velocities in the case of kinetic theory) is violated in such systems and hence the additivity of extensive variables related to it does not hold either. The application of the approach developed in this paper does not change the structure of hydrodynamic and quasihydrodynamic equations, but the modified thermal and calorific state equations and also the transfer coefficients contain two additional free parameters, which are the parameter q of the non-additivity of the system and the fractional dimension D of the phase space. Along with the smoothing parameter τ, these parameters can be determined empirically in each particular case from statistical or experimental data, which allows us to simulate the actual variable traffic situation within a continual approach both in regular and crisis cases.By the analogy with gas dynamics, I. Prigogine (in cooperation with F. Andrews and R. Herman) proposed half a century ago to describe traffic flows (associated in this case with a compressible fluid with motivation) by the generalized kinetic Boltzmann's equation where, however, an 'integral of vehicle interaction' is used instead of the integral of gas particle collision [25][26][27][28][29]. Macroscopic (hydrodynamic) equations for traffic flows can be obtained from Prigogine's kinetic equation for the distribution function of vehicles similar to the derivation of the Navier-Stokes equation in the kinetic gas theory, i.e., by its averaging with additive invariants over the phase space. This approach was essentially refined and improved in the papers of Paveri-Fontana [23], Helbing [15], and some other authors *