During the onset of polar winter in the stratosphere, before the formation of nitric acid ice clouds (referred to as polar stratospheric clouds, or PSCs), sulfate aerosol particles may catalyze heterogeneous chemical reactions that redistribute chlorine from reservoir species to more active forms. This activated chlorine can lead to ozone destruction in the fall and early winter, prior to the formation of PSCs, at middle and high latitudes over the winter half‐year in both hemispheres. During periods of slow cooling, a significant fraction of ambient chlorine nitrate (ClONO2) may be processed into active chlorine through its reactions with water and HCl at the surfaces of dilute supercooled sulfuric acid droplets. This mechanism for chlorine activation may explain the occurrence of widespread regions of reduced ozone abundance in the Northern Hemisphere at high‐ and middle‐latitudes outside of the polar vortex. Following major volcanic eruptions, a large increase in the surface area of sulfate particles could lead to significant repartitioning of chlorine species via the reaction of ClONO2 with H2O, even under midlatitude conditions, which may explain in part the detection of ozone reductions in volcanic clouds. Chemical transformation of other compounds may also be accelerated by the presence of dilute supercooled sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere, including the reaction of HOCl with HCl, and the hydrolysis of COF2 to HF; however, neither of these latter processes appear to have first‐order significance for the chemistry of the stratosphere.