Water resource management is of crucial societal and economic importance, requiring a strong capacity for anticipating environmental change. Progress in physical process knowledge, numerical methods and computational power, allows us to address hydro-environmental problems of growing complexity. Modeling of river and marine flows is no exception. With the increase in IT resources, environmental modeling is evolving to meet the challenges of complex real-world problems. This paper presents a new distributed Application Programming Interface (API) of the open source telemac-mascaret system to run hydro-environmental simulations with the help of the interoperability concept. Use of the API encourages and facilitates the combination of worldwide reference environmental libraries with the telemac-mascaret system. Consequently, the objective of the paper is to promote the telemac-mascaret system for studies dealing with such issues as uncertainty propagation, global sensitivity analysis, optimization, multi-physics or multi-dimensional coupling. To illustrate the capability of the API, an operational problem for improving the navigation capacity of the Gironde Estuary is presented. The API potential is demonstrated in a re-calibration context. The API is used for a multivariate sensitivity analysis to quickly reveal the most influential parameters which can then be optimally calibrated with the help of a data assimilation technique.
Software availabilityThe Application Programing Interface (API) Framework described in this article is available for download in telemac-mascaret system (www.opentelemac.org). telemac-mascaret is an integrated suite of solvers for use in the field of free-surface flow, available under the GNU General Public License version 3.