Lattice, charge and spin phase inhomogeneity in complex striped quantum matter, preface of the special issue for Superstripes 2016 conference, J .Abstract The Superstripes 2016 conference, held on June 23--29, 2016 in the island of Ischia in Italy celebrated the 20th anniversary of this series of conferences. For 20 years structural, electronic, and magnetic phase inhomogeneities in quantum matter have been the scientific focus for a growing physics community interested in complexity in quantum matter. It has been the meeting point for different scientific communities facing the challenging project to unveil the complex space and time landscapes in quantum matter. The interesting spatial inhomogeneity length scale of multiple coexisting phase ranges from atomic to mesoscopic and the time fluctuations are spread over multiple time scales. The response of these materials changes using different experimental techniques with different spatial and time resolution probing different aspects of the quantum complexity.After the discovery of high temperature superconductivity Alex Müller organized two important workshops [1,2] on phase separation and Jahn-Teller polarons in cuprates superconductors bringing together scientists active in these fields.After ten years of research on the physics of cuprate perovskites, together with Alex Muller, we decided to organize the first conference on "Stripes and high temperature superconductivity" which was held in Rome in December 1996 [3]. We invited the most active research groups reporting evidence for strong magnetic interactions resulting in the formation of spin density wave, SDW, in the form of antiferromagnetic stripes intercalated by charge rich stripes observed by neutron diffraction experiments using neutrons emitted by nuclear reactors [5]. These results showed that doped holes get self organized and segregate in stripes in spite of being uniformly distributed. Clearly these results imply an unconventional strongly correlated metallic phase with breakdown of the rigid band model [6][7][8].A.Bianconi, A. Ricci, Lattice, charge and spin phase inhomogeneity in complex striped quantum matter, preface of the special issue for Superstripes 2016 conference, J ). 2 At the same time other researchers investigated copper perovskites developing the new x-ray spectroscopy methods [8-10] using x-ray emitted by large electron storage rings. XANES (x-ray absorption near edge structure) experiments provided evidence for itinerant doped holes in the oxygen 2p orbital symmetry [9]. The EXAFS (extended xray absorption fine structure) experiments reported the evidence of charge density wave, CDW, [10] with associated periodic lattice distortions or orbital density wave giving the formation of nanoscale lattice stripes and nanoscale inhomogeneity [11] in agreement with PDF analysis of neutron scattering data [12] and transport data [13,14]. These data