the possibility of creating nanocavities by depositing a low-refractive-index polymer on a photonic crystal waveguide. [14][15][16][17] This is suggestive of the technological and scientific potential that could be realized by bringing patterned unconventional low-refractive-index materials into intimate contact with conventional inorganic PhC templates: on the one hand, the production of photonic devices by postprocessing a generic, mass-produced, photonic crystal template; on the other hand, new device architecture/functionalities and fundamental light-matter interaction studies through the wealth of solution-processable nano-, hybrid, and soft materials that have emerged over the last decade. However, this potential has been frustrated thus far, as the approaches pursued to date for the deposition of the low-refractive-index materials relied on e-beam or UV exposure technique, both being highly material specific and requiring multiple complex fabrication steps.Here we propose and demonstrate the printing of nanocavities using an electrohydrodynamic jet printer with femtoliter droplet delivery [18][19][20] on a generic 2D photonic crystal template. Our free-form, bottom-up approach offers the possibility of assigning by design any solution processable material on the surface of a photonic crystal in a single fabrication step. In the following, we demonstrate the fine tuning of the cavity emission and the reproducible printing of nanocavities with high Q factors, which also enable the fabrication of photonic molecules with controllable splitting. Three different cavity designs areThe last decade has witnessed the rapid development of inkjet printing as an attractive bottom-up microfabrication technology due to its simplicity and potentially low cost. The wealth of printable materials has been key to its widespread adoption in organic optoelectronics and biotechnology. However, its implementation in nanophotonics has so far been limited by the coarse resolution of conventional inkjet-printing methods. In addition, the low refractive index of organic materials prevents the use of "soft-photonics" in applications where strong light confinement is required. This study introduces a hybrid approach for creating and fine tuning high-Q nanocavities, involving the local deposition of an organic ink on the surface of an inorganic 2D photo nic crystal template using a commercially available high-resolution inkjet printer. The controllability of this approach is demonstrated by tuning the resonance of the printed nanocavities by the number of printer passes and by the fabrication of photonic crystal molecules with controllable splitting. The versatility of this method is evidenced by the realization of nanocavities obtained by surface deposition on a blank photonic crystal. A new method for a free-form, high-density, material-independent, and highthroughput fabrication technique is thus established with a manifold of opportunities in photonic applications.