Subject classification: 42.65. Dp; 78.20.Jq Since the discovery of photorefractive spatial solitons [1,2], these non-diffracting waves have been the subject of an intense research effort, because they are particularly interesting for building alloptical diodes, transistors, switches, and all-optical computers. Until now steady-state bright spatial solitons have been observed in BTO [3], SBN [4], InP:Fe [5], KNbO 3 [6], KLTN [7], and BaTiO 3 [8] crystals. Barium-calcium titanate (BCT) [9, 10] is a promising photorefractive material and an alternative to BaTiO 3 , which is much easier to grow and does not have any phase transition within the temperature range from À120 C to 100 C. This crystal also possesses slightly larger electrooptic coefficients r 13 (20 pm/V) and r 33 (130 pm/V) compared to BaTiO 3 . However, no studies of photorefractive spatial soliton formation have been reported so far in BCT crystals. In this contribution, we investigate photorefractive spatial soliton formation in iron-doped BCT crystals and observe, for the first time to our knowledge, the formation of steady-state two-dimensional (2D) screening solitons in this material.Samples of the congruently melting composition Ba 0:23 Ca 0:77 TiO 3 are grown in the crystalgrowth laboratory of the Department of Physics at the University of Osnabr€uck [9, 10]. The dimension of our sample that is doped with 290 ppm Fe is 5 Â 5 Â 5 mm 3 . All surfaces are polished to optical quality. On both faces normal to the c-axis of the crystal, electrodes are prepared with silver paste. The light propagates along the a-axis in our experiment. Our experiments are conducted in a standard setup for soliton formation, in which an external electric field E 0 is applied along the ferroelectric c-axis. A frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (l ¼ 532 nm) is used as the light source. Because of the low dark conductivity of our sample s d % 6 Â 10 À14 W À1 cm À1 [9], a background illumination is necessary to tune the degree of saturation of the nonlinearity. This ordinarily polarized background light of the same wavelength 532 nm is made spatially incoherent by passing it through a rotating diffuser. The ratio r between the soliton light intensity (extraordinary polarization) and the background irradiance is r % 5. The soliton intensity is always kept below 50 mW/cm 2 to minimize photovoltaic self-defocusing. Figure 1 shows a characteristic result of 2D soliton formation. In this experiment, the beam intensity is I % 30 mW/cm 2 . The beam diameter at the crystal's input face is d in % 14 mm. Without an external electric field E 0 applied, the beam width d increases during propagation due to both, phys. stat. sol. (a) 189, No. 1, R4-R5 (2002) # WILEY-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH, 13086 Berlin, 2002 0031-8965/02/18901-00R4 $ 17.50þ.50/0 Fig. 1. Formation of 2D solitons in BCT crystals. a) Images of the input beam (left hand), the diffracted output beam (center) and the selftrapped soliton beam (right hand). b) Horizontal (parallel to c-axis, k) and vertical (perpendicular to c-axis...