The repolarization phase of cardiac action potential is prone to aberrant excitation that is common in cardiac patients. Here, we demonstrate that this phase is markedly sensitive to Ca 2؉ because of the surprising existence of a Ca 2؉ -activated K ؉ currents in cardiac cells. The current was revealed using recording conditions that preserved endogenous Ca 2؉ buffers. The Ca 2؉ -activated K ؉ current is expressed differentially in atria compared with ventricles. Because of the significant contribution of the current toward membrane repolarization in cardiac myocytes, alterations of the current magnitude precipitate abnormal action potential profiles. We confirmed the presence of a small conductance Ca 2؉ -activated K ؉ channel subtype (SK2) in human and mouse cardiac myocytes using Western blot analysis and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and have cloned SK2 channels from human atria, mouse atria, and ventricles. Because of the marked differential expression of SK2 channels in the heart, specific ligands for Ca 2؉ -activated K ؉ currents may offer a unique therapeutic opportunity to modify atrial cells without interfering with ventricular myocytes.Cardiac action potentials (APs) 1 are shaped predominantly by the interplay between transient inward Na ϩ , Ca 2ϩ , and outward K ϩ currents (1). While the repolarization phase of the AP can be wrought by the kinetics of the principal currents, small and sustained outward currents also define this phase, rendering this region prone to irregular membrane excitation.In humans, delineation of the outward currents that confer the late repolarization phase of the cardiac AP is crucial for our understanding of the etiology of arrhythmias. We provide a novel report that demonstrates that the repolarization phase of cardiac AP shows marked sensitivity toward apamin, an exclusive ligand for a small conductance Ca 2ϩ -activated K ϩ channel (2).Ca 2ϩ -activated K ϩ channels (K Ca ) are present in most neurons and mediate the afterhyperpolarizations following AP (3, 4). However, functional significance of K Ca in the heart has not previously been documented. K Ca channels can be divided into three main subfamilies (3, 5-7). These include the large-conductance Ca 2ϩ -and voltage-activated K ϩ channels (BK), the intermediate-conductance K Ca channels (IK), and the smallconductance K Ca channels (SK), which are sensitive to apamin and scyllatoxin. Among the SK channels, they are encoded by at least three genes, SK1, SK2, SK3 (4, 6), with differential sensitivity toward apamin. SK2 is highly sensitive to apamin, with a half-blocking concentration (IC 50 ) of 60 pmol/liter, whereas SK1 channels are not affected by 100 nmol/liter apamin (2). SK3 channels are intermediate.Here, we report for the first time, the presence of I K,Ca (Ca 2ϩ -activated K ϩ current) in cardiac myocytes that plays a crucial role in cardiac AP profile. Using a combination of electrophysiological recordings and biochemical and molecular biological techniques, we have identified the presence of SK2...