In this paper, we introduce a new class of frequency-filtering IBLU decompositions that use continuedfraction approximation for the diagonal blocks. This technique allows us to construct efficient frequencyfiltering preconditioners for discretizations of elliptic partial differential equations on domains with non-trivial geometries. We prove theoretically for a class of model problems that the application of the proposed preconditioners leads to a convergence rate of up to 1− O(h 1/4 ) of the CG iteration. are high-oscillating grid functions, the linear iteration preconditioned with such a decomposition is a good smoother for geometric multi-grid methods. Using smooth test vectors, we make W an efficient preconditioner for the conjugate gradient method. Furthermore, filtering decompositions with different test vectors can be used successively in the linear iteration. Then the logarithmic growth of the computational complexity of solving the linear systems on structured rectangular grids can be achieved (cf. [4, 7]). A deep convergence theory of the frequency-filtering decompositions was worked out by Wittum and his successors (cf. [4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14]) for a defined class of model problems.However, an essential problem of these decompositions is the strong restrictions on the structure of the matrix blocks of A. For this reason, only their simplest subclass (the so-called FF decomposition) has been applied to problems with complicated domain geometries (cf. [15]). For other IBLU decompositions satisfying (6), e.g. those proposed in [8], the thorough quantitative convergence analysis could not be carried out, not even for model problems.In this paper, we use the same theoretical approach as for the frequency-filtering decompositions but weaken these restrictions. The proposed approximation of T k is based on rational functions. This allows us to carry out the quantitative convergence analysis for a class of model problems and generalize the technique for non-trivial discretization grids. The proposed methods are introduced in Section 2 for a general matrix (2). Section 2 also explains the main idea of these methods for a model problem. The theoretical analysis of the convergence properties is presented in Sections 3 and 4. In Section 5, we consider the application of the proposed decompositions to the general block-tridiagonal matrices in detail. Section 6 presents results of numerical experiments. We summarize our main conclusions and give an outlook in Section 7. We use the following notation: For two symmetric matrices A and B, A