We diagonalize numerically a Fibonacci matrix with fractal Hilbert space structure of dimension d f = 1.8316... We show that the density of states is logarithmically normal while the corresponding level-statistics can be described as critical since the nearest-neighbor distribution function approaches the intermediate semi-Poisson curve. We find that the eigenvector amplitudes of this matrix are also critical lying between extended and localized.Pacs numbers: 71.30.+h, 71.23.Fb The numerical diagonalization of one-electron Hamiltonians in discrete space tight-binding lattices has been proved a very useful tool to treat the effect of disorder on the motion of quantum particles, alternatively to field theoretic methods. In particular, the direct computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors combined with finite-size scaling techniques can answer questions about Anderson localization due to disorder [1], quantum chaos in the energy levels or wave functions [2,3], etc. The difficulties become immense when one wants to treat many-body problems in the same framework since the dimension of the Hilbert space increases dramatically (exponentially) with the number of electrons. However, also in this case the nearest-neighbor hopping bounded kinetic energy and the two-body character of the interaction guarantee that the Hamiltonian matrix structure is very sparse, often described as multifractal in the adopted Hilbert space. For example, in ref.[4] multifractal exponents D q were computed to characterize the Hilbert space structure of interacting many-body Hamiltonians.We shall treat a much simpler, albeit interesting problem, with a given Hamiltonian which consists of zeroes and ones, neither periodic nor random but with a simple fractal structure. We construct and diagonalize a Fibonacci matrix of order n of size N n × N n , with N n = N n−1 + N n−2 , N 0 = N −1 = 1. This matrix represents a self-similar fractal object itself and was introduced in ref. [5] in order to obtain the ground state of the square Ising antiferromagnet in a maximum critical field. The Fibonacci matrix is a transfer matrix connecting the possible ground states of the n × m and n × (m + 1) square lattices. For size N n it has the block form