An experimental scheme is proposed that allows direct measurement of the concurrence of a twoqubit cavity system. It is based on the cavity-QED technology using atoms as flying qubits and relies on the identity of the two-particle visibility of the atomic probability with the concurrence of the cavity system. The scheme works for any arbitrary pure initial state of the two-qubit cavity system.The question of how to detect the presence and amount of entanglement is one of the central issues in quantum information science. There exist theoretical criteria and measures such as the positive partial transpose (PPT) criterion [1,2], entanglement of formation [3] and concurrence [4] that, in principle, allow one to determine the presence and amount of entanglement. It is, however, difficult to observe such criteria and measures experimentally. The PPT criterion involves a nonphysical operation of partial transposition (complex conjugation) of the density matrix elements, while the entanglement of formation and the concurrence are complicated nonlinear functions of the system state. One is thus led to think that one may have to rely on the technique of a full tomographic reconstruction of the quantum state to measure the entanglement of an unknown quantum state. This technique, although successfully implemented for small systems [5,6], is highly inefficient and difficult especially for large systems, as a large number of observables need to be measured. The question naturally arises whether entanglement can be estimated without having to fully reconstruct the unknown state. It has been shown that the answer to this question is yes at least for the case of pure two-qubit states [7,8], although, even in this case, more than one observable need to be measured.In recent years, several methods [9,10,11,12,13] have been proposed for detecting and measuring entanglement without a full reconstruction of the state; e.g., the method [9] based on the technique of minimal and optimal tomography [14,15] performed on one of the entangled pair, the method [10] based on entanglement witness [16,17] which was realized experimentally [18], the method [11,12] based on PPT criterion [1,2], and the method [13] based on two-particle interferometry [19,20]. These methods, although much simpler than the full state reconstruction, are not completely free of experimental difficulties, as they require either controlled unitary operations or some prior knowledge about the quantum state in question, or they can detect entanglement but not measure its amount.Very recently, direct measurement of the concurrence of a two-photon pure entangled state was demonstrated experimentally using linear optical means [21]. The experiment is based on the realization [22] that entanglement properties are well captured by the expectation value of a certain Hermitian operator with respect to two copies of a pure state. As such, this method requires measurements on two copies of a state. It also requires CNOT operations. Application of this method to matter qubits (a...